Morning Glories: Starting the Day Off Right
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Morning Glories, Shibata Zeshin, 1860 |
I recently read an article on Business Insider titled “Twelve Things Successful People Do in the FirstHour of the Work Day.” Interesting. But it didn't have all that much application to my life as a homeschool mom. Still, I agree with the premise of the piece that “the first hour of the hour of the workday is critical, since it can affect your productivity level and mindset for the rest of the day.”
I started thinking of the things
I do every day that lead to a more productive and peaceful day in our
home. Your list is probably a bit different, but the key is thinking
through what helps make things run smoothly in your home and then
working to see that those happen (most of the time.)
- Wake up!Ha – and you thought that was a given! Maybe it is for natural morning people. But for the rest of us, waking up ON TIME is more than half the battle in starting the day right.
- Prepare breakfast for the crew.We eat a hot breakfast five days a week, so I get started cooking first thing. Usually it is a matter of assembling something and sticking it in the oven. Two things streamline this process:
a. Follow a simple, weekly plan. (If it's Monday, it must be muffins! Not quite our
current plan, but close enough.)
current plan, but close enough.)
b. When possible, assemble dry
ingredients and pans the night before.
At that time I make final decisions about whether I'm making pumpkin, blueberry,
banana, peach, cranberry, or banana chocolate baked oatmeal, for instance.
In the morning I can finish up easily, even if I'm in a semi-zombie state.
3. Spend time in prayer and Bible reading!
So often we feel "too busy" to spend time with
the Lord. Yet the older I grow, the more
convinced I am of my utter dependence on
Him and my need to saturate my life
with prayer and Scripture. I know how hard this
can be when you have a new baby or an
early rising toddler! Some mornings may
be out of the question, but whenever
possible, carve out some time -
even a short time - and start your
day by meeting with Him. You will be so
glad you did. (More on this to come in the future.)
4. Greet everyone in your family cheerily!
Another obvious one, right? This is actually one of the few transferable concepts
from the business article, though. How do you greet your "team"? Your attitude sets
the tone for your home, and morning greetings are a good place to start right.
Lynne Taylor says good supervisors show compassion and build rapport as they
At that time I make final decisions about whether I'm making pumpkin, blueberry,
banana, peach, cranberry, or banana chocolate baked oatmeal, for instance.
In the morning I can finish up easily, even if I'm in a semi-zombie state.
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Charlotte Weeks, 1882 |
3. Spend time in prayer and Bible reading!
So often we feel "too busy" to spend time with
the Lord. Yet the older I grow, the more
convinced I am of my utter dependence on
Him and my need to saturate my life
with prayer and Scripture. I know how hard this
can be when you have a new baby or an
early rising toddler! Some mornings may
be out of the question, but whenever
possible, carve out some time -
even a short time - and start your
day by meeting with Him. You will be so
glad you did. (More on this to come in the future.)
4. Greet everyone in your family cheerily!
Another obvious one, right? This is actually one of the few transferable concepts
from the business article, though. How do you greet your "team"? Your attitude sets
the tone for your home, and morning greetings are a good place to start right.
Lynne Taylor says good supervisors show compassion and build rapport as they
greet their employees: "This is the first
hour of their day, too, and your actions
have a significant impact on
their attitude and productivity." True for our kids, too.
Proverbs 1624 "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
5. Eat breakfast - and don't skimp on protein!
You're going to be working hard today, so give your body proper fuel. Even if you
have to eat standing up. While shoveling bits into the toddler's mouth.
And nursing the baby. And putting dinner in the crockpot. Just don't forget to feed
yourself, too.
6. Give only a brief scan to your emails. And skip Pinterest, Facebook, etc. altogether.
Morning is too key a time to get bogged down in a weighty email response or
FB controversy.
7. Have a morning chore time for everyone.
With everyone working together just 15 minutes, you can accomplish wonders!
8. Start a load of laundry.
I like to think of my appliances as my maids. And every morning I tell that laundress
to get a move on.
9. Think about dinner.
Really? In the morning? Yes! Take a peek at your menu plan (you do have one, right?)
and see if you need to do anything. It's a real bummer to find out at 5 PM that you'd
intended to make a crock-pot meal.
9. Think about dinner.
Really? In the morning? Yes! Take a peek at your menu plan (you do have one, right?)
and see if you need to do anything. It's a real bummer to find out at 5 PM that you'd
intended to make a crock-pot meal.
10. Order your school subjects carefully.
Starting with a Bible and prayer time together helps you all
focus your hearts on things above. Then when I had little
ones I always worked with them first so they felt included
in our school and not ignored. Next, tackle the most
difficult subject. If you are teaching a new reader, schedule
that early in your school day. If math requires the most brain
power, hit that up early. This guarantees you won't run
power, hit that up early. This guarantees you won't run
out of time, and also that everyone is fresh.
What's NOT essential in my morning routine:
1. A morning shower. Used to be. But I've determined that finding QUIET moments for prayer only happens before the household is up. In other words, during the time I used to shower. No, that doesn't mean I'm smellier these days. But unless the morning is running very smoothly, I shift a shower to a non-prime time or even skip it altogether.
2. A morning walk. I love to get outside early and walk on my country roads or farm trails. But this also is something that I've shoved to a later part of the day. Some day, I'll again be able to walk early and do all the other morning things. But for now, my early morning hours are still too packed.
So there you have my basic components for a glorious morning!