Living in a Construction Zone (again)

We've been in this house for over twenty years now. Twenty years of living with nine lively children! Years filled with much joy, some sorrow, and not a little bit of rambunctious living. Like the time some boys made a target in their closet and practiced shooting arrows. (Not the kind with foam tips.) Or the time another boy took a croquet mallet to a door which was being held closed by another brother. We've long since repaired the damage in those instances. But then there's the general wear-and-tear a house receives from having so many bodies live in it.

So at 20 years old, our house has been ready for some refurbishing. Last January we re-did our kitchen, and oh, how we are enjoying those new finishes!

Now it's the living room and school room's turn. You see, though we are still homeschooling the youngest three children, the schoolroom has outlived its utility. On the other hand, we sure could use a larger living room to hold both our own family when they are all here and to welcome groups of friends, too.
Living room side of things

Schoolroom end 

So this weekend we did it. We ripped up the filthy carpet, and then Tim took out the pocket doors which separated the living room from the schoolroom. (A small section on one side had to remain because it has a load-bearing job.)

Here's what it looks like today:

Can you tell how much space we've opened up? We've gained over 5 feet where the pocket doors used to reside, which should allow us to fit in a good bit more seating.  Next week we'll be painting and installing cherry hardwood from a local mill! It'll be slow going, sandwiching the work between Tim's paying customers, but I think it's going to be worth the wait.

Yet, this is the point I start to get worried. Are we crazy to tear up these main rooms in the house?? Will we be able to figure out some pleasant way to arrange seating in this odd-shaped room??? (I've been marking the bare floor with chalk, trying to figure this out and not really succeeding.) Ah well, such thoughts are not exactly helpful now, so I need to stifle them and contentedly live with the upheaval.

Besides, it's kind of fun having the piano in the entry hall!


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