Year At Pleasant Hill Farm: September Gifts

In this financially lean year, we're especially thankful for the Father's gracious provision through various means.

This month Tim added a deer to the one Jon put in our freezer last month, both thanks to a crop deprivation license taken out by our tenant farmer. Venison has largely replaced beef in our home these days.

Paul grinds venison
Ultra-low fat
Grass fed (or grain, considering how much of our farmer's corn they eat)
Organic (except for the corn)

Can't get much better than that!

A few finished packages

Here's the recipe we've been enjoying:

Venison Sort-of Sausage
8 # venison
2 T. black pepper
1 T. paprika
up to 2 t. crushed red pepper
1/4 c. brown sugar

Fry up a sample to taste, and then adjust seasoning as desired.

Tim and the boys have begun replenishing our wood supply. Our farm and other family property down the road will give us more wood than we could ever need.

The chickens continue to lay heavily (around a dozen a day) and we're still harvesting plenty from the garden. Some years this has not been the case, so we aren't taking this fruitfulness for granted.

But here are several of my favorite September (and August!) gifts! Ben and Annie celebrated their 9th and 3rd birthdays on Sept. 8, while Laurel turned one a few weeks earlier.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.


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