Life (or Where's Anne, anyway?)

I tend to have such good intentions of posting regularly, even building a spot into my weekly schedule. I have all sorts of plans for things I want to write about, some of which I've started: more on frugal living including grocery shopping, making friends with beans, laundry and cleaning, teaching children to think, and teaching young children. Ha ha! Real life intervenes with such regularity. You know - "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." (Pro. 16:9) Here are a couple of things that have been taking up part of my spare moments:

1. Paul broke his hand while sledding. I think every mom ought to have a course in medical diagnosis, including tips in discerning when a child has a broken bone. I missed this one for a few days, thinking it was less serious than it was. The down side to his cast is that now I can't assign push-ups, one of the more effective strategies in dealing with this over active child.

2. Kara is quite sick from her pregnancy. Yay! This week I helped fill her and Collin's freezer to make meals a bit easier.

3. Kristen and I are back in the college application/scholarship business. We thought we'd finished this in November. Kristen wants to study nursing and has applied to IU and Purdue. Purdue, which has direct admission to their nursing program, has a 3 month period between application and notification, so we are still waiting there. When Kristen received her notification from IU she was awarded a $2000/year scholarship, but based on her SAT scores and GPA she should qualify for their top automatic scholarhip of $9000/year. We've had quite the time finding out the reason for the lower award. Last week we finally had a real answer: IU does not accept home school GPAs. No matter that she has a 3.8 GPA from her 16 hours of college credits. That doesn't count either.

Tim has met with a higher up in the Admissions Office and now has been told the decision has been passed even further up the chain. (Tim told the Admissions officer that they have every right to give scholarships to whomever they wish. If they want to not give scholarships to anyone with green hair, that is their option. But they ought to state that they won't give scholarships to those with green hair.) We think it is likely that IU is trying to decide what their home school policy will be in the future. Other colleges welcome home schooled applicants; some, like IUPUI, go so far as to say publically that their homeschool students outperform the rest of the student population.

Well, that's probably more than you want to know! We'd appreciate your prayers for IU's decision, particularly as we think it will impact many more students than Kristen. As for Kris, we are praying that the Lord will make it very clear to us where she should go to school next year.


Amy said…
Would it be possible for her to take some classes at Ivy Tech or a similar school and then apply as a transfer student? It's so irritating to know that homeschoolers are actually sought out by some schools, yet are 'shunned' by others. You would think that SAT scores would speak for themselves! We'll be praying for you all...

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