Thai Trip Update #1

Tim and Kristen arrived in Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand, sometime Sunday afternoon. They are staying at the hotel where the conference will be. Monday, which it was when Tim wrote me, though it is still Sunday here, was to be a relaxing day to recover from traveling since Thursday. They will be visiting some craft shops and the like. Tuesday they be doing prep for the conference which begins on Wednesday.

Many on the team, about 1/3 – ½, are from Harvester PCA church in Virginia. That is the church of Jeff Gilbert, director of Potter’s School. Tim’s roommate is an elder at that church and father of a TPS student on the trip. Here are some excerpts from an email Tim sent me:

I am staying with the other "old man", the father of 9, who is younger than me. I have talked to the pastor a little. He planted his church 30 yrs ago and has helped plant quite a number of churches since. He would like help to plant 10 more before he retires (about 10 more years). Interesting guy.

Bangkok reminded me of FL. Except the cars are all small and no full sized Pick ups or vans. Lots of little ones. Like most 2/3rds world cities, rich and poor are mixed together. I haven't seen any desperately poor yet.

Tim also reports that Kristen is thriving. She’s totally enjoying being around the other girls (most of the students are girls) and living her dream of serving in Thailand. Oh, and Tim is enjoying the warm weather!

On the home front, things are going well. The kids are picking up the slack and doing well. Every night after devotions, Peter has been reading to the younger children, which is something Tim usually does. Sleep (or lack of it) has been an issue for me, since I don’t sleep well without my beloved along side me. Caffeine and chocolate have been more my friends than usual.

And then last night we had a most wonderful surprise visit from daughter Kara and sweet Sara!!! How good it was to have those lovely young ladies to brighten up the evening and part of Sunday. We stayed up late talking about not much in particular such as what varieties of apple trees we should order this year, and how seed catalogs come up with names like Yumm Yumm. Sure I appreciated their help (giving haircuts, getting kids ready for bed, running kids through the Sunday morning routine, preparing dinner, and so on) but so much more I just enjoyed their company. Thank you girls!


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